fredag 14. mai 2010

The tale of my computer

IT'S ALIVE! muwahahahahahahaha~

Everything is good. It doesn't run much faster or anything (that wasn't the point anyways) but it runs. Without freezing or crashing. And all my programs that had gone wacko is now running smoothly. And I got a lot more GB.

There was one critical moment during my operation though. One of the screws was stuck and I seriously thought for some hours that I'd never get to fix my computer, all hope was lost, waaaah.
But Daddy came to save the day and it turned out I only needed a better/different screwdriver XP

I really didn't realize how much I've missed The Sims 2 (of all games) until I re-installed it.

Hmmm. Same old name though. I thought adding 2.0 to the name was an awesome idea but it wouldn't let my use . , or space. Later it hit me that I could have added 2000 instead. But too late.

Same old Nira with improvements.

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