torsdag 17. februar 2011

I'm studying for my exam(?)

I've cleaned the kitchen.
I've cleaned my desk.
I've been reading Coraline (again) one chapter at a time.
I've found my old notes from when I thought I wanted to study Japanese.
I've added some new Japanese words and characters.
I've filled my old mp3-player (the one I never use anymore) with new music.
I've been watching TV (Bones).
I've been eating.
I've been checking out Amanda Palmer's new album (I love it =]).
I've been checking out Hot Hot Heat's latest album (it came out last year without me noticing D: I still love Steve Bay's voice X3).
And I've been telling myself that it's gonna be ok. If I just study hard these days I'll do just fine...

3 kommentarer:

  1. You will pass and that is enough. You are smart and talented and unless the world just decides to be shitty you will do okay. I believe in you.


  2. May I present to you: The master of procrastination!

    I'm sure you'll do fine, not getting stressed about studying is just as important as the actual studying (in my oh so professional opinion)!

  3. Yeah, know the problem. Housework is never as important like right before a big exam.
    But you will be fine sweetiepie^^, You know your shit=D
    If you are in need of any help thou, I am here for you. Just send me text and I will come home to you and plonk down right beside you and we will study together. It's easier when we are both doing it neh^^,
    But don't sweat it sugar. You will be fine=D
