torsdag 19. januar 2012

Dark but shining

It's 10pm, it's January and it's Norway. Does that mean it's pitch black dark?
There's twinkling stars and sparkling snow, like a glittering painting on a black colored canvas.
Sure half the stars I see are probably dead, the snow is just frozen H2O and the curls tumbling around my field of view are just dead cells growing out of crooked hair follicles.
But it's still magically beautiful.

And tomorrow I'll put on my superhero-costume, bring my sidekicks and endure my panic attacks the best I can.
I'll close my eyes and pretend I know nothing of needles or knives against my skin. And if I can just avoid thinking of the stitches in my skin afterwards maybe I wont throw up every minute.

I know. It's just a tooth and I'm gonna be ok.
But I'd rather go bungee jumping.

Gee, I wonder why I'm not a doctor or why I'm not a fan of Grey's Anatomy? I'm not phobic about this at all, I love such things.

For this song to work its real magic you need to turn up the volume until your ears might just burst.
That way it's easier to ignore the world and pretend it's not there.

am I being melodramatic?

1 kommentar:

  1. How did it go!?

    And I'm very proud of you, and sad I couldn't come along sidekicking for you!
