søndag 19. mai 2013

We can be us

Moulin Rouge is one of my absolute favorite movies.
For multiple reasons.

I've met people who think it's a bad movie because it's "just pop songs". I guess they think it fails as a musical because of that.

I think that's one of the great things about it.
Having been raised on music, and being a apart of the social group that I am (The "I'm SO not a hipster"-group) where 60% of our interactions and entertainment revolves around cultural references; I find this a brilliant movie.
How satisfying to sit and get reference after reference!
And how fascinating to discover the ones you didn't know!
I love that.

Also; I do hold a fascination for cover songs (as long as it's done in a respectful manner, art is supposed to be interpreted and shared). Maybe that's why I enjoy the movie. Besides being a cute love story (/tragedy) in a sparkling wrap-up it works as a tribute to so many good artists.
That's what I think.

I recently watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Partly because I wanted to see Emma Watson as someone else than Hermione (She did good).
Mostly because I've seen the book in the stores and heard people recommend it. I picked it up time after time, but never brought it home. Being caught in the atmosphere of High School through a whole book didn't tempt me, but I can bear it for an hour and 43 minutes (and I don't regret it).

Anyways, my point isn't really the movie itself or ms. Watson. What struck me was how Heroes by David Bowie became such a meaningful song for the characters in the movie and gave me an equally meaningful feeling. It took me back to my discovery of David Bowie when I was young and my daddy would play his concert-DVD and praise Gail Ann Dorsey's beautiful voice (which deserves praise; it really is out of this world. And that version of Under Pressure really is the best one). And it reminded me of how I fell in love with Ewan McGregor during the Elephant Love Medley in Moulin Rouge the first time I watched it.

It's a good feeling, remembering feel-good moments and being reminded of good music.

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