mandag 6. mai 2013

This is a blogpost.

First, an explanation regarding the layout:
I thought the green and red layout was ready, but after launching it I discovered several things that still need adjustments and, seeing as I had already put down quite the time, energy and effort into it, I don't have any time, energy or effort left to spare when it comes to blog layouts. It will have to be saved for another time.
Meanwhile. I took the time to customize one of the templates provided by and am quite pleased with the colors at least, so this will be my layout now.

Then I want to apologize to anyone that might feel neglected, forgotten or ignored by me. My Bachelor is due in just 10 days and I'm not even halfway done. I am stressed as hell and will break down in tears by the silliest things. That is why I'm difficult to get a hold on these days. I am truly sorry.

Furthermore; Allowing myself some distraction I thought I would share with everyone my new crush in music. Then! while wondering which of their songs to present I discovered that they just released a new album! And although I didn't care that much for their last one, this one is kinda lovely. So comfortable, uplifting sounds!

So, ladies and gentlemen. Born Ruffians is a Canadian indie rock trio. They are super cool. And this is my favorite song from their newest album.

With Her Shadow

And this is the song I chose for you before discovering the news. Barnacle Goose (From my favorite album right now; Red, Yellow & Blue), because it's so much fun.

Post-punk revival must be one of the best things ever to happen. :D
(Well of course I would say something like that, being a person who names The Cure's debut album one of her all time favorites XD
...But seriously.)

1 kommentar:

  1. I like this layout! The red/green works better than the previous one:)

    Good luck on your super stressy bachelor, you can do it!! <3
