onsdag 21. april 2010

Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.

Next week is my exam. It will not move to a later week no matter how unprepared I am.
I really should prepare myself.

Cue "Eye of the Tiger".

You know what's much more fun than studying?
Being with boyfriend. shopping. Chatting with friends. playing with pokemons. sleeping. cuddling with cats. reading FICTION. watching Bleach. cooking. daydreaming.

CLEANING is more fun tham studying.

["Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten." - Burrhus Frederic Skinner, American psychologist (1904-1990)]

3 kommentarer:

  1. Gambare!
    I had my german exam (test...) yesterday, which I was completely unprepared for! In the weekend I was recovering from our class cruise, and I didn't even remember about it, then Monday and Tuesday I was competely shot from working in kindergarten from 630, yesterday I managed to do some panic reading there though... Will be interesting to see how it went xD

    You can do better than the above ^^

  2. Ganbare!

    You can do it! It is always much more fun, those things I mean... Funny how that works;)

    And E2 (I managed to think ET, how was kindergarten work?)

  3. I have the EXACT same problem.
    I have had to portion off how much I absolutely HAVE to read each day. 52,4 pagesXP
    And I have a trip to Sweden in the middle of it all.
    I really should have started weeks agoXP
    But we will work hard, right?^^,
