fredag 18. november 2011

oh. I haven't blogged anything in a while, have I?

Well then, to pay up for the gap let me hit you with a long one:

Regarding my everyday life.
My baby brother just turned 15. I refuse to believe it.

I've been procrastinating stuff for so long. So I'm not really allowed to complain about the work amount; I've caused it myself.

And I have kinda been writing blog entries continually during the past month. But whenever I was finished writing a post I would proof read it and find it contained nothing but whining. And who would want to read a blog of meaningless whining? I wouldn't. So I kept it to myself and posted nothing.

Regarding my health.
My ears are my Achilles-heal. During the first four years of my life I suffered from constant (more or less) Otitis media (What a funny word! I just looked it up. For other laymen as myself we can call it an infection of the ear). Of course that time is over, but still, whenever I catch some sort of infection of the respiratory system (which is pretty common) no matter how small; my ears will be infected as well. It's never "Oh I got an infection in my throat, maybe my ear will be infected too?" it's always "Oh, an infection of the throat, here comes the ear infection!".

So. My throat's been hurting for about a week and I thought I was brewing something. Like "Oh no I'm about to catch a cold". But then came the ear infection so I guess I've been having a viral infection for several days without realizing that's what it was. It's over now though. I'm just waiting for my hearing ability to return to my left ear. My ears have done this so many times now, it shouldn't take long.

I'm really sorry If I infected anyone, I really thought what I had was nothing so I kept hanging around people.

Regarding our house (soon to be a very very very fine house).
We now have a kitchen. a kitchen lacking a table, chairs, a coffee maker and power sockets, but a kitchen still. There's no longer a huge hole where our old kitchen used to be, there's now a new kitchen. Finally we can use the oven, our sink and our tableware (in contrast to plastic and paper plates). Yay!

Regarding Music.
Florence + the Machine just released a new album and it's great. I still love the old one more seeing as the new one has no song as beautiful as "My Boy Builds Coffins" or "Cosmic Love", but it is truly great.

Nowadays I heart:

In other silly news.
I've been watching The Mentalist lately. I generally don't care for crime or police procedural at all, but the main character (Patrick Jane) fascinates me so I'm watching it. And so the other night I was dreaming and suddenly Van Pelt (another character in the show) said "ah, this isn't the crime scene like we thought, this is just a cover-up". And I thought "omg, that means...!" And I sat up in bed and turned on my light to examine what must be the real crime scene; my bedroom! Then it occurred to me what I was doing.
That was fun XD