I haven't blogged in ages.
But I have done some thinking. (And I've been through my annual autumn-depression, during which blogging feels hard and redundant.)
Here's the thinking I've done:
I kind of want this blog to be filled with... thoughts. You know like my "If you garden them and water them"-post or the post about synesthesia. And filled with events like when I went to Edinburgh and such.
These thoughts and events doesn't happen every day so there's gonna be gaps between posts.
I feel that for trivialities (you know like pictures of my food and what TV-show I'm watching) platforms like tumblr, twitter and facebook are more fitting.
I wont start using my facebook.
This may sound as if I'm opposed to facebook as a concept, but I'm not, I'll try to explain:
I am somewhat weird when it comes to socializing. I can only handle it in limited doses and in certain forms.
I am capable of pushing myself out of this comfort zone, but if I do this for an extended period of time, I collapse, I black out, I freeze. And then we get weeks where I isolate myself, to the distress of friends sending me texts I never reply to, until I feel fit to go out and socialize again.
Facebook, for some reason, makes me feel uncomfortable and have this paralyzing effect on me.
I don't know why. There's something about the way it works.
It's like.
With twitter or tumblr or this blog it feels like I'm hanging my thought up on a billboard and whoever is interested can come and read it.
With facebook it feels like I'm standing in front of my new class, wearing only a bathing suit.
It's pretty irrational, I know.
I'm not comfortable in a bathing suit.
BUT I have been hanging around tumblr lately, and found I quite like it there.
So (and finally I get to the point) for those people sick of the gaps between my composed thought-posts, who just want to know how I am doing, what I had for dinner and what TV-show I'm watching... I made a tumblr:
where I will share trivialities and probably reblog silly pictures of cats.