08.March 2014
Have you ever watched "Music and Lyrics"? It's actually one of my favorite romcoms. mostly because of the 80s music video at the start.
Anyways, in this movie they discuss how music and lyrics make up a song
together and which is the most important. Of course the answer is none.
They are equally necsessery to build a good hit song.
But I personally value lyrics the most.
Of course the music has to be there when I want to dance or just, you know, bang my head.
And the music is important for the presentation of the lyrics and can both empesize or ruin the message of the song. And sometimes I fall in love with a song purely because of the beautiful music.
But I have discovered that if the performance of the text is good enough, you don't need the music for it to be captivating. And I surprise myself by listening to this poem on repeat as if it were a song.
I didn't even know that I cared for poetry, but then I remember that lyrics are just that.
søndag 20. juli 2014
søndag 13. juli 2014
Wanna hear a somewhat awesome story?
03.february 2014
It's from last summer. And I didn't think that much of it then, but my mother keeps retelling it to people so it occured to me that maybe I should tell it to people too. It is, after all, kinda cool.
In the summer my neighbor's dog managed to break free from her leash and chase my cat. Said neighbor chased the dog at once and stopped her before any damage was done, but my cat zoomed off like a rocket and we couldn't find him anywhere. I looked for him around the house, through different neighbors's gardens, up and down the street, and I started to get really worried and frustrated.
After a while I just stood at our terrace and called for him, almost ready to give up.
Right then, this common magpie lands at a birch-branch right next to me. And I mean right next to me, I could almost touch him. And I was like "well, hello old neighbor, you're awefully intimate today, what gives?"
Anyways, this bird flyes up and sits down on a telephone line outside our garden.
And he waits until, it seems, he's certain my eyes have followed him.
He then flyes up again and this time lands in a tree next to my neighbor's garage. A tree that also contains my, still terrified, cat. It took us an hour, but my brother and I managed to lure our cat down with some tuna and he's now living happily ever after. Hopefully; so is the gentleman magpie.
True story.
søndag 6. juli 2014
The bling method
14. december 2013
Some years ago a classmate spotted my lunchbox. The one shaped like Hello Kitty's head.
this one:
There I was, 20-something years old with a Hello Kitty-lunchbox, a pen featuring Little My and stockings with colorful ornaments.
My classmate proclaimed loudly that there were two methods for dealing with reality and it's grayness and blahness. The first one included ignoring it and otherwise trying to escape. The second one he called the Bling Method. This method works by surrounding yourself with lovely objects to cheer you up and make things seem lighter. And I was apparently nailing this method.
I think he ment it to be a humorous comment as well as a compliment on my lunchbox (he is that type), but it really stuck to me. And I think he was right. I think there are more than two ways of dealing with life, but I definitly think the Bling Method is one of them. And I seriously think I'm nailing it.
When I choose bling to work my magic, however, it can't just be any lovely object. It has to bear some meaning. Like the ring my mother gave me when I was younger. She said it was a magic ring and if I wore it I wouldn't be so scared when I tryed to ride the bike. And it worked! (I was really slow at learning to ride it, 'cause I was so scared of falling) I still keep that ring. And to really work, it has to be things like that.
Some people read bibleverses, I carry stuff with me.
(I don't really use that ring anymore, it does no longer fit my finger, but it's a good example for explaining what kind of stuff I use as talismans, if you wanna call it that.)
Also. When I'm stressed I make rituals for myself. So that when I feel like I'm loosing control I can pretend I'm in control by making tea in my tea-dedicated cup, and sit at my tea-dedicated sitting place and drink tea the way tea is supposed to be drunk.
Lately I've been kind of tense. And things have been feeling out of my control. And sometimes when old rituals wont do the trick you have to make new ones. And even though I have a cup dedicated for feel-better-and-in-control-tea, I didn't have one for This-too-shall-pass-coffee.
I did.
On my shelf there was a cup I got as a present many years ago. I used to keep spare change in it because I was afraid it would break if I put it in our overloaded cupboard. It has "number 1" written on it and is bought at a well renowned ceramic studio in Finland. My friend gave it to me and said I could choose what I wanted to be number 1 of.
Gifts are the perfect talismans because they carry with them the care of the giver. My friend found this cup and thought of me. And I know that when I hold the cup.
And I hope my friends know this and know how much they matter.
I want you to know that when I feel down I wear that cool Legend of Zelda braclet I got for christmas that year.
I want you to know that when I'm nervous I wear my sweet Night Fury you got costum made for me.
I want you to know that I still keep that colorful beaded braclet you made for my birthday when we were 13 years old.
I want you to know that the toy tiger we bought together with your toy unicorn still sits on my bed every night.
I want you to know that when I'm feeling defeated I escape into a book, using the dragonfly bookmark you stitched for me.
I want you to know that it warms my heart every time I light tealights in the green tealight holders you bought for me as a thank you when you were young and scared.
For I am the number 1 bling magician.
and speaking of such.
Here's a song by Placebo.
Some years ago a classmate spotted my lunchbox. The one shaped like Hello Kitty's head.
this one:

My classmate proclaimed loudly that there were two methods for dealing with reality and it's grayness and blahness. The first one included ignoring it and otherwise trying to escape. The second one he called the Bling Method. This method works by surrounding yourself with lovely objects to cheer you up and make things seem lighter. And I was apparently nailing this method.
I think he ment it to be a humorous comment as well as a compliment on my lunchbox (he is that type), but it really stuck to me. And I think he was right. I think there are more than two ways of dealing with life, but I definitly think the Bling Method is one of them. And I seriously think I'm nailing it.
When I choose bling to work my magic, however, it can't just be any lovely object. It has to bear some meaning. Like the ring my mother gave me when I was younger. She said it was a magic ring and if I wore it I wouldn't be so scared when I tryed to ride the bike. And it worked! (I was really slow at learning to ride it, 'cause I was so scared of falling) I still keep that ring. And to really work, it has to be things like that.
Some people read bibleverses, I carry stuff with me.
(I don't really use that ring anymore, it does no longer fit my finger, but it's a good example for explaining what kind of stuff I use as talismans, if you wanna call it that.)
Also. When I'm stressed I make rituals for myself. So that when I feel like I'm loosing control I can pretend I'm in control by making tea in my tea-dedicated cup, and sit at my tea-dedicated sitting place and drink tea the way tea is supposed to be drunk.
Lately I've been kind of tense. And things have been feeling out of my control. And sometimes when old rituals wont do the trick you have to make new ones. And even though I have a cup dedicated for feel-better-and-in-control-tea, I didn't have one for This-too-shall-pass-coffee.
I did.
On my shelf there was a cup I got as a present many years ago. I used to keep spare change in it because I was afraid it would break if I put it in our overloaded cupboard. It has "number 1" written on it and is bought at a well renowned ceramic studio in Finland. My friend gave it to me and said I could choose what I wanted to be number 1 of.
Gifts are the perfect talismans because they carry with them the care of the giver. My friend found this cup and thought of me. And I know that when I hold the cup.
And I hope my friends know this and know how much they matter.
I want you to know that when I feel down I wear that cool Legend of Zelda braclet I got for christmas that year.
I want you to know that when I'm nervous I wear my sweet Night Fury you got costum made for me.
I want you to know that I still keep that colorful beaded braclet you made for my birthday when we were 13 years old.
I want you to know that the toy tiger we bought together with your toy unicorn still sits on my bed every night.
I want you to know that when I'm feeling defeated I escape into a book, using the dragonfly bookmark you stitched for me.
I want you to know that it warms my heart every time I light tealights in the green tealight holders you bought for me as a thank you when you were young and scared.
For I am the number 1 bling magician.
and speaking of such.
Here's a song by Placebo.
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