A little praise and advertising for Imogen Heap.
Since me, Gacha 1, 3 and 4 is seeing her live next week I figured I could start my fangirling now.
Imogen Heap, ladies and gentlemen, is just fantastic. And you would think, at least I used to think, when you hear her music that this kind of music must be boring live. You would think it was just some playback-music and that the artist would stand still on the stage singing. In that case you are wrong. Imogen Heap brings all her equipment with her on stage and builds up the music, sound by sound, then and there. It's just awesome. Sometimes she uses the audience too and it really makes you feel like you're part of something. And on top of it all her music is just beautiful. I'm really happy that I get to see her again.
Most people have heard her song "Hide and Seek", which is a great song, through tv-series and Jason Derülo's song "Watcha Say", but that song is really just the tip of the iceberg.
Imogen Heap live in Oslo, February this year:
Of course the sound is much better when you're actually there than this camera managed to catch.
And she's so nice! She's got this charming, British sense of humor and cute way of carrying herself. So even between the songs the whole concert got this cozy atmosphere.
The studio-version of "First Train Home" and some other favorites of mine:
Funny thing: I discovered Imogen Heap years ago when some random person used a song from her old band, Frou Frou, in a Kingdom Hearts-amv... Proves that "illegal" streaming of music can actually work for the artist's (and record-companies) benefits.
You know that Lost commercial that went on TV Norge some years back? I tried so hard to figure out what song they used, 'cos it's beautiful, but I just couldn't fine it, 'cos I could never remember the lyrics when I went to look it up on Google.
SvarSlettAnd then I figured that I should maybe look up Imogen Heap. And what do you think I click on first?^^,