fredag 10. september 2010

Make it go away.

There'saspiderintheshowerThere'saspiderintheshower! There is a spider in the shower.

Do you know what the WORST part about spiders are? (Apart from all the other WORST parts about them).
Sometimes they suddenly move really fast and you loose sight of them.
And then
They could be ANYWHERE.

I am convinced that if I loose sight of a spider and then i.e. falls asleep it will sneak up on me and...

--- Rated PG 13 --- 
...crawl trough my ear into my brain and lay it's eggs. Then when the eggs hatch all the thousands of baby-spiders will eat my brain out and crawl out to the world trough my eyes. 
--- / ---

They sure are disgusting enough to pull that off.

I finished my shower though. A bit quicker than planned, but still.

1 kommentar:

  1. Oh oh oh! That's almost as nice as when I went to the toilet in the morning and found a spider when I pulled the toilet roll!!
